
There is bound to be dissonance when we seek to create new, healthier, truer patterns that go against the culture of a relationship, organization, community, or belief that is unhealthy and needs to change

There is bound to be dissonance when we seek to create new, healthier, truer patterns that go against the culture of a relationship, organization, community, or belief that is unhealthy and needs to change.

I usually write more words to expound on a concept when presenting it. I wrote this for the first time a few years ago. I think I have expounded on it somewhere on paper or digitally, but today, right now. It feels like enough.

There is bound to be dissonance. It is to be expected.

Don’t be surprised. Don’t let it stop you.

May faith, hope, and love anchor you in this stormy season.

Questions for Contemplation:

  1. What is making you feel uneasy these days?

  2. Do you think the dissonance will always be there?

  3. Does the dissonance keep you from moving towards greater health?

  4. What new pattern is wanting to emerge in you?

May you always see the blessing.


Waves meet the shoreline in Rosarito, Mexico -esb 2015

P.S. - Thanks for being here. We’d love to hear how you’re doing & what you’re learning!

P.P.S. - All the art in these newsletters is mine, unless otherwise specified.

P.P.P.S. - How’s your year going? Interested in an online retreat to pause and check on your priorities for the year? I will be offering a 2025 Theme Retreat Reboot - Spring Edition in the next month or two. Interested in joining? Email [email protected] to express your interest and get on the short-list as space will be limited.