The Ecstasy of Calling.

Today I want to talk about the ecstatic nature of calling. We've talked about some of the challenges of calling already, but what of ecstasy?

Hello Beloved,

Today I want to talk about the ecstatic nature of calling. We've talked about some of the challenges of calling already - fear, rejection - but what of ecstasy?!

I am writing you with the jittery, excitement of doing what I am called to do. I just uploaded to YouTube and to The LYHL Podcast and introduction to the "Pain Pendulum." It feels so enlivening to offer fruit from what I've learned, gained, observed, and integrated from 20 years healing people's physical pain professionally.

I've long appreciated the work I get to do, to ease the suffering of the world one person at a time. It's been so intimate, so rewarding. And I've known for years that there is more for me.

This knowing has been many, many, many steps removed from actually sharing with a broader audience - the world. I've had to do so much battle with negative voices, thoughts, and emotions and labor through challenging circumstances in my daily life.

Slowly I began to change my clinical practice incorporating more and more exposition of emotions, behavioral patterns and thoughts. I learned that this was crucial to my success in helping people.

My clinical practice became less like a trainer where people do all their reps and work with me and more as a guide to help them do the work in their everyday world.

My success depended on my patients' and clients' behavior. I had to help them change their behavior and behavior is influenced, if not controlled by emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. More and more I'd get the unsolicited comment that their time with me felt like therapy. Helping alleviate their physical pain and limitations required that we address their emotional and mental pain and limitations. Any division between them is arbitrary and unproductive.

And so, I am now to a place that I am sharing this for free with the whole world! And I am ecstatic. I am so hopeful to increase my capacity and impact to ease suffering in the world!

This is the result of years of contemplative living attempts and practices. I am exceedingly grateful and joyful to continue sharing.

My latest podcast is me introducing the Pain Pendulum and explaining why we experience ongoing pain and a framework for how to break out of the pain cycle. You can listen on your fav podcast app or watch on YouTube.

If this content interests you, know that it's home is not here, although it will be an occasional visitor, as it is today. To easily receive these more movement focused explorations of LYHLing. Join The LYHL Movement by subscribing to the LYHL Movement Newsletter and subscribing to the LYHL Movement YouTube channel.

Here’s the 1st Pain Pendulum video handy for you!

Questions for Contemplation:

  • What do you think a calling is?

  • What calling is deep within you that longs to be expressed in and shared with the world?

  • What is your next step to honor that calling?

  • What community can you join to nurture your pursuit and honoring of your calling

May you always see the blessing, beloveds.


P.S. - Thanks for being here. I’d love to hear how you’re doing!

P.P.S. - The art and information in these emails is my copyright, unless otherwise indicated/credited.

P.P.P.S. - I’m offering a 2025 Theme Spring Tune-up Retreat On-line and I’d love you to help me find a date! Please take a moment to fill-out this quick survey. What is the retreat about? Visit the retreat page on to learn more about this guided, focused, contemplative time to listen to next steps for your life and calling.Check the ESB Website