The LYHL Newsletter
Exploring Living Your Healthiest Life from a contemplative perspective.
They say "hurt people hurt." But the truth is not all hurt people hurt.
Love is inherently queer because it is inherently unique.
It is these seasons, that afford begrudging people the blessed opportunity to unravel into the deepest layers of themselves...
My theme for the year is play. I am manifesting, prayers are being answered, the universe is responding.
Our lives are our greatest works of art. I'm inviting you to join me on my journey (and to share yours).
I'm branching out! One newsletter just won't suffice. Please come along to my personal newsletter - Becoming Divergent!
These retreats are wonderful pauses from the hustle bustle of our lives to give energy and attention to what matters most. Can you believe it's already March!? (Notice if that causes a panic in you or what you feel in your body).
Othering doesn't kill just them. It kills you. It kills us. It's doing it right now.
Today I want to talk about the ecstatic nature of calling. We've talked about some of the challenges of calling already, but what of ecstasy?
There is bound to be dissonance when we seek to create new, healthier, truer patterns that go against the culture of a relationship, organization, community, or belief that is unhealthy and needs to change
I am obsessed with living a health life. I want to live my healthiest life. I want others to live their healthiest lives. I want to be an aid in others living their healthiest lives.
Have you ever given up on something before you even tried? Yeah, me too.
I've faced so much rejection in the world that it is hard to show up in the world.
Some things change; some stay the same.
I could go months without realizing that I wasn't really connecting with people - friends, family, neighbors - too consumed with work.